What Do Kids Learn From Playing With Goop?
They develop their fine motor and sensory skills by manipulating and handling the goop. They also learn about cause and effect when they touch the goop, move it around, and see how the material comes back together.
Making and playing with goop
What You'll Need
* 1 ½ cups cornstarch
* 1 cup water Measuring cups
* Spoons
* large bowl(s)
* Airtight container
Here's How To Do It
Set up the ingredients, the bowls and the pans. Have your child help you make the mixture. Measure the cornstarch and water in a container. Mix it with a spoon. Add more water if the mixture seems too dry. If the mixture seems too wet, add cornstarch.
Ask your kids questions
* How does it feel?
* What happens when you stir it together?
* How long can you keep the goop in your hand before it slips away?
* Can you squeeze it into a ball?
Just remember to cover the kids and the table with plastic or something else that’s easy to clean, put the girls’ long hair up in ponytails, goop can be messy but it’s worth the hours of entertainment on a rainy summer day. Keep in mind that goop is made from edible ingredients, it's not really made to eat. Very young children should be supervised carefully, and encouraged not to eat the goop.
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