Summer is the perfect time for reading. Sitting on the porch, on the beach, at the park on a blanket, there are just some many great places to read in the summertime. So it’s a great time to get you little one’s into reading or to keep older one’s in good reading habits during school break.
But how do you decide which books are best when standing in the children’s area of your local book store. If you find yourself looking and just not knowing which books to buy, or your budget isn’t able to stretch to far, maybe the children’s book buying tips below will make short work of your shopping.
Where to Find Books for Babies and Toddlers
Your local library and garage sales are great places to find used books for children. Most libraries hold a used book sale each year where you can buy great children’s books at rock bottom prices. Libraries also have books available to borrow for babies and toddlers. This can be a great way to regularly introduce new books to your children.
If you’re planning to build up a library of books for your child book of the month clubs are available where you can select books from a catalog and order them from home. This is a great way to involve your child in your book purchase decision. They will get excited about selecting a new book each month and then you can watch the excitement build as you wait for his or her new book to arrive in the mail.
Choosing Storage for Children’s Books
It’s very important to store books on low book shelves or in low drawers. You want your child to feel like they can have access to books so they will be encouraged to pick them up and read them.
With a cardboard box or storage container you can help your children feel a connection to their books by decorating their own bookshelf.
Which Book is Best for Babies and Toddlers?
For babies colorful board books that are easy to hold and easy to handle work best. Thick cardboard like books are more durable and books with soft sides and vinyl covers allow babies to chew without getting hurt.
Simple story lines that rhyme and books that relate to their life are the favorites of toddlers. Such as stories about potty training or going to school, something the toddler is experiencing now.
Picture books are great for both babies and toddlers. Babies like to look at the colorful pictures and toddlers like to make up story lines to go with the pictures.
Selecting a Time to Read to Children
Try to work reading into your normal routine. Bed time or after bath time is recommended by many child development specialists. If reading becomes a routine soon your child will want, expect and even demand that you read to them.
It’s important to take every opportunity to bring a love for reading into your child’s life. So when your toddler brings you a book and asks you to read, you should take advantage of the opportunity. Reading time will build more the just memories with your children.
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