Who doesn’t like bubbles, they make you laugh, they float without effort and they can keep you clean. But if you’re looking for a summer activity, bubbles might be what you’re looking for. They are great way to play and learn with your child. Try a science experiment with kids who are little older by make predictions on what you think the bubbles will do once in mid-flight. Let younger kids experiment with art and movement by dancing while blowing bubbles and trying to recognize shapes and sizes in bubbles. This bubble activity encourages curiosity and reinforces the skill of observation.
What You'll Need:
* Bubble solution that you purchase from the store or make your own with 10 parts water to one part dish washing soap
* Straws
* Plate
* Bubble wands
* Pipe cleaners
Have some observations you can have your kids make
* Are your bubbles bigger when you blow slowly or quickly?
* Are your bubbles bigger when you dip the wand in slowly or slosh it around?
* Use pipe cleaners to make homemade bubble wands. Can you make a square bubble?
* What household items can you use to make bubbles? A slotted spoon? A flyswatter?
* Pour bubble solution onto a dinner plate or cereal bowl and use a straw to blow bubbles at the base. How tall can you blow your bubble tower?
* Add food coloring or tempera paint to your bubble solution and try blowing colored bubbles. Try to catch them; let your bubbles land on a piece of card stock paper to make bubble art.
* What color is a bubble? Bubble colors come from the light refracting through the soapy water.
So go out and have some bubble fun!
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