Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Turkeys

What’s more fun then involving you little ones in decorating the Thanksgiving table. Little ones love to help and parents love to keep the busy during holiday down time. I found this adorable activity on a website called DLTK and added a few ideas on how to use it. Fingerprint turkeys, I love this activity for 2 reasons, the first is that a child of virtually any age can participate in making the turkey and it makes a great keepsake for the family. You can use the fingerprint turkeys to make place cards or even place mats for your guests.

What you need:

brown finger paint

red, yellow and/or orange finger paint
scrap cardboard or an old margarine container lid (something to act as a pallet)
black marker
paper or card stock
contact paper if you decide to make place mats


Squeeze a bit of brown finger paint onto a margarine container lid
Squeeze a bit of red and/or orange finger paint onto the lid, spaced away from the brown
paint (or use a second lid)
Stamp the pad of your index finger into the orange or red paint
Use your finger to make an arch of fingerprints as the turkey's tail
Optional: Make a second arch around the first one using your index finger or your pinkie again... you can use the same color or another autumn color for the second arch (it's actually
better to make the outside arch first if you're planning to do two)
Use your thumb finger to stamp a brown thumbprint in the center of the arch as the turkeys body
Use a marker to add feet, a beak and eyes.

This can be a fun and enjoyable activity that will get the whole family into the holiday season. At Goddard Ashburn we use activities such as the one above to keep the children engaged by showing them that learning can be fun.

Call us to arrange a time to visit our school and see what other fun we are up to.

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