Monday, September 25, 2017

Surviving Errands with the Kids in Tow

Between work, kids and school it’s hard to get errands done and even harder when your kids are whining, crying, and throwing temper tantrums in the process. Here are a few tips to take some of the stress out of running errands.

•Explain the game plan – tell the kids exactly where you’re going on your errands and how long it should take.

•Set the rules – tell them what is, and is not acceptable behavior and that you’re shopping for others, not for them. This will help to alleviate the “mommy or daddy can I get” questions.

•Tell them what’s expected - no running, inside voice, stay with the parents.

•Review car etiquette – no yelling in the car, buckle your seatbelt, no throwing anything in the car.

•Keep your kids busy – play I, spy, when you are going through the store. Let them help push the cart. Have them help you find items you are looking for like a scavenger hunt. Sing some songs if your car ride is longer than expected, or you are stuck in traffic.

•Give time off for good behavior – reward your children with a play date or something they like to do if they are good during the errands. Just make sure you are not bribing them but rewarding them to reinforce proper behavior.

With these tips, you might get done all of your errands and actually get some time for yourself.

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