Monday, April 20, 2015


Children are always striving for more independence. As your toddler moves from preschool to elementary school they are going to want, and need more responsibility and more independence. But as parents you might be apprehensive about how to give them enough freedom without giving them too much.
Here are a few ways that your child can get more responsibility around the house that will help build their confidence and teach responsibility.

Organizing Their Belongings
Kids are always making messes. Now is a great time to teach your child how to take care of their belongings. Have them organize their clothes, books and other belongings into plastics bins. When they come home from school make sure that they put their stuff away and praise them for their organization and responsibility.

Getting Ready for School
Give your child the responsibility to collect their books, pack their book bag and prepare their lunch. Buy pre-packaged fruit, help them make a sandwich, and pour their drink. They can feel proud when they open their lunch at school knowing that they packed it themselves.

Help Set the Table
If you’re lucky enough to still eat dinner together as a family, then you might get your child to set the table, especially if paper plates are involved. This teaches children valuable life skills and pride in the fact that they can contribute to the family’s dinner.

It’s difficult to judge how much responsibility is best for your child. Just make sure that you provide the proper supervision and make certain the task isn’t too difficult for them to handle.

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