Monday, September 1, 2014

Leaving Your Child On The First Day of School

Leaving your child at school for the first time can be as traumatic for a child as it is for a parent. All children react differently, from full blown panic attacks, to a matter-of-fact kiss goodbye with no emotion. Here are some tips for handling the first drop-off.

 Keep perspective, remember that this is a natural part of the growth and development of your child. Try to take comfort in the fact that your child is starting out on a new adventure of learning both educationally and socially.

Trust in the educational professionals at your child’s school. They have had a career of first school days. They know all the tricks of the trade to help a child work through their separation anxiety.

Set specific expectations with your child. Let them know that you will be back after lunch. Help them understand that this is a normal part of their new schedule. 

Reinforce the fun they will have at school. Tell them how much fun they are going to have doing activities and learning to become a big girl or boy.

Stick to the plan. Your child’s anxiety and temper tantrums can become worse of you give in to your child’s request not to leave, or if you take them back home on their first day. 

The great disappearing act can backfire. Distracting your child so that you can sneak out may increase their feeling of abandonment. Tell them you are leaving, give them a kiss goodbye and leave the room without lingering. 

Rest assured, the drop of will get better and the school year will be a great success. 

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