Magical Garden
Head to your local dollar store to find some inexpensive lawn decorations. Then have your child gather other items around the yard like sticks, wood, rocks, leaves, etc., to make a magical garden. This is a great activity that you can add to throughout the summer.
Bugs are always fun
Make a homemade terrarium out of an old shoebox with dirt and rocks with holes punched in the top. Have the little ones search for bugs in the back yard and collect them in their homemade terrarium.
Scavenger hunt in the park
Make a list of things that you find in the park. Determine how simple or difficult the list of items will be based on your children’s ages. Have them find a flower or a type of rock. You can also use this opportunity to teach children about nature, science and history.
Create your own Water Park
Get the sprinklers out, baby pools, water slides, plastic toys and gym sets and have the kids create their own water obstacle course. Through in some water balloons and water toys and your kids can cool off on a hot summer day.
Make sure to supervise your kids activities to keep the safe and happy this summer.
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