With the Thanksgiving holiday later this week, I thought we would focus on teaching children about the meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to teach children about the concepts of compassion and generosity. You may think that your child is too young to fully understand these concepts, but here are a few ways you reinforce these concepts with children.
Volunteer: Volunteering is a great way for your children to see generosity in action. There are numerous chances in every community to volunteer. Homeless shelters, nursing homes, and mentoring programs are just a few. There may also be other opportunities closer to home. Perhaps an elderly relative or neighbor could use a hand. It feels good to help others. Your actions are the most powerful influence on your children and seeing your volunteerism could help them understand and later follow your example.
Being Green: There are several forms of compassion. Compassion can be directed toward people, toward animals and toward the earth. By practicing recycling you can actually teach compassion. Explain to your child why you recycle items. How it’s important to take care of the earth so that it can be in the best shape for future generations.
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Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity for children to learn about compassion and generosity. Teaching children compassion “thanks” is more than having them learn polite phrases and manners. Compassion means that children recognize the impact their actions can have on others and on the world.
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