Monday, December 19, 2016

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Every parent has had their child say something that isn’t nice. It makes you want to step behind a tree or hide behind playground equipment. Here are a few tips that could help your child learn and grow from the experience.

Experience: Your child yells “this is my toy” and grabs the toy away from another child.

The learning opportunity:
This could be a great opportunity to reinforce sharing with others. Concentrate on the benefits of sharing. Correct your child and then go one to tell explain the benefits of sharing:

it helps others feel good about themselves
it helps to make new friends
new friends might share new toys with you

Experience: You ask your child to do something and they scream “it’s not fair”

The learning opportunity:
Explain why you’re telling your child to do the task. Give them consequences for not completing the task. For example: if they don’t clean their room they can’t watch TV when they get home. This will help your child make the connection between actions and consequences.

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