Monday, March 2, 2015

Moody Toddlers

Some parents get concerned about their toddler’s mood swings. In most cases a mood swings are normal. Here are a few causes and some tips on how to deal with them.

* Inability to communicate feelings, wants, and needs. It’s very frustrating for your toddler to be so limited by their vocabulary and understanding. Until your toddler develops their vocabulary expect that they will be emotional as they try to communicate.

What you can do: Tell your child to take their time when trying to express themselves. Give them enough time to get their point across. If they still can’t get their point across, give them hints to help them along. However, try not to speak for your child as this can lead to confidence issues with communication later on.

* Testing boundaries – Your toddler is experiencing more independence than they ever had before. It’s natural for them to begin to test the rules you have set for them. This may cause some emotional outbursts of defiance. Your child may say “no" they don’t want to go to school” or “no they don’t want to go to bed”.

What you can do: It’s important to reinforce the rules. Toddlers need stability in their lives. It might seem like the easier road to give in to your toddler to avoid an emotional outburst, but this could lead to more moodiness and behavior problems later. This defiance might just be your toddlers attempt to understand rules. Try explaining the reasoning behind each rule. That may be all they need.

* New feelings – With new experiences (like school) comes new feelings for your toddler. Feelings like fear of separation are new. This could lead to moodiness.

What you can do: Reinforce to your child that you will always be there for them. Try to explain that change is a natural part of life. Give your toddler more attention during times of change.

Moodiness is normal for toddlers, but if you have any question about what’s normal and what’s not, see a qualified healthcare professional.


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