Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Parent Involvement

It’s a proven fact that children with involved parents or guardians do better in school and are more successful in life. Involvement can come in several forms. You can get involved with your child’s school, get involved in their homework or simply ask them how their day went and take the time to listen.

Why Should I Get Involved?

In this economy the only way for schools to function is with the help of volunteers. Almost all school budgets have been cut with the downturn in the economy. Arts and music programs, athletics, library and classroom resources are all needed in schools and community centers.

Becoming involved in your child’s school, the community or local sports as a coach will help you develop common ground with your child. It gives you a way to talk about a common interest and goals you can work together to achieve.

And the school, organization and your child aren’t the only ones who gain from your time and effort. You get to meet teachers, coaches and other children that your child interacts with every day. You can begin to better understand the challenges and successes your child experience every day. And you help and share in the successes as a volunteer.

Here are just some of the things your child's school, teacher or community center can help you do as a volunteer:

• join the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA
• act as a classroom aide/helper
• volunteer in a school computer lab
• help with fundraising activities such as bake sales or spring fairs
• tutor students
• assist children with special needs
• build sets or sew costumes for theatre and musical productions
• volunteer as a lunchroom or playground monitor
• help the school administrators write grant proposals or press releases
• attend school board meetings
• work as a library aide in the school library
• volunteer to speak in the classroom or at a career day

Find the type of involvement that makes you happy and fulfilled. Find something that suites your schedule and your level of commitment. Don’t forget to find something that interests both you and your child.

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