Monday, April 4, 2011

Dealing With a “Strong-Willed” Child

At times you envy their determined nature and at times you have just had enough. If you are a parent of a strong-willed child, you know what I am talking about. If you punished your child for everything they did they would be in their room all day, every day. Since that’s just not reasonable, here are a few tips that can help you deal with your strong-willed child.

1. Make sure you are applying the rules of the house consistently. Waiver on a rule and the strong-willed child will take full advantage of it.

2. Patience is a virtue and when it comes to a strong-willed child patience is an absolute necessity. As much as you need to be clear and stick to your decisions realize that a strong-willed child will not change overnight. Structure, patience and time are all critical factors to long-term success.

3. Show that your decisions are final. A strong-willed child will often take debate to a whole higher level. They may even elevate the debate to a tantrum. Make sure they know that no is final and explain what the consequences will be for breaking the rules.

4. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. With the help of a qualified caregiver, take a little time away from your strong-willed child during the day. This can help you regain perspective. It can help you reach for that deeper level of caring and understanding and let you again appreciate the strong will that will propel your child through the challenges of life. Look at your strong-willed child’s strengths and cherish the independent individuals that they will become, with your help.

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