Monday, September 13, 2010

Moving from the Crib

When is the right time to move your toddler from the crib to the bed? They can’t really tell you when they are ready. So start the transition slowly using the following tips.

• Try setting up the big boy/girl bed first while the crib is still in the room. This will help your child develop a natural curiosity about the bed without the stress and pressure of having to make the transition right away. With the bed in the room they can choose to play on it or nap on it and eventually they will want to sleep in it. This will make easier to convince your child that the crib is no longer needed.

• Play the big boy/girl card. Point out how siblings or children on TV are sleeping in a big bed. You’ll be amazed at how much children want to be considered a big boy or girl and how powerful this motivation can be.

• Let them know that when they start to use a big bed they will eventually be able to sleep in their sibling’s room or possibly go on trips that require a hotel “like Disney” or when they go on sleepovers with friends once they get older. Help them imagine the fun they will have when the crib is not required.

Patience is the key to success with make the crib to bed transition. Your child may not take to the bed right away. Set a deadline for the transition and stick to it, but be patient and understanding if they want the comfort of their crib throughout the process.


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