Monday, May 24, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

This week Godard Ashburn will be conducting parent teacher conference, some parents may feel anxious and excited about their child’s progress in school. Conference time is a great opportunity to discuss your child's developmental and behavioral progress. Typically, the conferences cover a child's play style and social, language, cognitive, and physical development.

What to expect during conferences: teachers will often offer a balanced assessment of your child’s progress. This should include both strengths and opportunity areas that your child may need to work on. Often you will receive some skills to work on at home that can reinforce what’s being learned at school like writing letters, stringing beads, or practicing cutting skills at home to improve fine motor skills.

Take the opportunity during conference time to discuss with the teacher what you’re seeing at home. What skills do you see your child excelling at and what areas do you have concern for. Try to build a relationship with your child's preschool teacher so you can work as a team reinforcing shared goals both at school and at home.

Below are a few questions you may want to ask your child’s teacher

1. Is my child's development on track for his age?
2. Is there anything we can do at home to reinforce the skills that you're working on in the classroom?
3. What are my child's strengths and weaknesses?
4. What is he/she like in class?
5. How does my child interact with the other kids?
6. Does my child participate in group activities?


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