Wednesday, January 27, 2016

7 Ways To Raise Confident Kid

Raising a confident child can help with social interactions and academics. Raising a confident child doesn’t always mean telling your child good job or way to go when you praise them it’s not always about the results. Click here to read tips on raising a confident child.

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Starting a New School

Starting a new school can be a traumatic process for both parent and child. Here are a few tips for a smoother transition.

Talk to Your Child
Introduce the idea of a new school weeks or even a month ahead of time. Talk to your child about how they will learn and meet new friends in school. Also, discuss the activities they will participate in and crafts that they can bring home and show you that they made. This will allow your child to get comfortable with the idea of the school.

You might also want to try explaining their schedule on the first day. Explain the following:

Dropped off and how (mommy, daddy, caregiver) will drop them off in the morning
Playtime and circle time
Lunch and
Pick up - explain how (mommy, daddy, and caregiver) will return to pick them up at the end of the day.

If a child can visualize their day, it may help to alleviate their fear.

Start Gradually

Like any other change that your child will experience starting gradually is a good idea. Begin the process with a few visits to the school. Introduce your child to the staff and let them get acquainted with their new surroundings. Since your child will now recognize their new school facility and staff this may help to make the first day easier.

Allow extra time for dropping your child off for the first few weeks in case she has trouble saying good-bye. Even if your child is upset, it is important that she knows you are leaving instead of you slipping out while she is distracted. Develop and practice a routine for getting ready to go so neither you nor your child is anxious and stressed in the morning.

The Goddard School understands the importance of your child’s first learning experience. Stop in and see the difference Goddard can make.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ways to Keep your Family Fit Indoors

Freezing temperatures, freezing rain, snow and other crazy weather mean that the kids are stuck indoors. We found seven tips on keeping your whole family fit this chilly winter season. Click here to read the tips.

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Monday, January 18, 2016

Should You Worry About Bedwetting

Bedwetting, or Enuresis, is a common problem. The frequency of wetting that is necessary to be considered a problem varies. Nocturnal enuresis affects approximately 5 million children in the United States. In most cases, bedwetting runs in families and often the child will become dry without intervention around the same age that the parent became dry as a child.

The National Association for Continence website at has a lot of great resources and education to help parents and children understand and cope with bedwetting.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Picky Eater Solutions

Maybe one of your resolutions for the new year was to get your child/children to eat me vegetables or even to try new foods. We found some tips that can help your picky eater and you make mealtime a little less stressful. Click here to read the article.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

Family Medicine Cabinet

If being prepared is one of your goals for the New Year, than you should review what’s in your medicine cabinet. Now that winter is here you may have to treat a middle-of-the-night fever or upset tummy. In order to save you from the midnight run to a local pharmacy, here are a few items that are essential for the medicine cabinet.

• Thermometer
• A hot water bottle/heat pack and an ice pack/cold pack to help soothe tummy aches,reduce swelling, and to cool feverish children.
• Cool mist vaporizer for cough and congestion.
• Hydrocortisone 1% and calamine lotion for rashes and itching.
• Antiseptics and antibiotic ointments help stop infection in cuts and scrapes.
• Adhesive bandages for scrapes and cuts.
• Tweezers for splinters and ticks and alcohol to clean the tweezers.

Please remember this is just a guideline and you should discuss the appropriate items and dosage with you pediatrician, who knows your child’s healthy history and can advise you on dosage.

For more information on Goddard Ashburn please visit our website :

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Top 10 Outdoor Winter Activities

As the cold temperatures begin to take hold over the region, it signifies the official start of winter. suggests 10 fun outdoor activities for the family. Remember that winter temperatures and winter sports require special safety equipment and clothing. Be active and safe this winter! Click here to read the article.

For more information on Goddard Ashburn please visit our website :

Monday, January 4, 2016

Indoor Activities for Little Ones

With the weather outside being downright freezing, you may be looking for some indoor activities to do with your little ones.


Whisper down the Lane is great indoor game. Not only does playing this game help keep their voices down and bring lots of laughter, it’s also a memory game. Trying to recall correctly what others are whispering helps to develop a child’s short-term memory and ability to follow directions.

Try some arts and crafts, make a Cheerio necklace. This will keep their little hands busy. Then the next time they tell you they are hungry let them snack on their necklace.


Take a Trip

Tell your child you’re taking an imaginary trip. Ask them where in the world they would like to go. Look up facts on the Internet about the place they pick. Let them pack a small bag with clothes and maybe even pack some food that’s appropriate. Take it one step further and decorate your living room to resemble the vacation spot and play games.

A good game of Simon Say’s can take an hour off the clock. It also helps a child develop memory and listening skills. Preschoolers can learn a lot from simple games requiring them to follow basic directions, a skill that they will need to have to be successful at school.

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