At Goddard we often make art the focus of activities and creativity in the classroom. You might think that art itself is the subject of lessons but, art offers other opportunities for teachable moments.
You can expand the lessons of art outside of the classroom by visiting museums and reading old art history textbooks with your children. Not only will they learn an appreciation of masterpieces, they will also learn the following:
· Counting – play games with your children to count the number of paintings containing a specific color to teach counting
· Shapes –point out shapes that can be found hidden in the paintings and sculpture
· Colors – teach the names of colors and the concepts of shadings and texture through photography, paintings and other forms of art.
· Observation – I spy helps make a day at the museum even more fun.
· Computer skills – go online with your children to tour the most prestigious museums and see world class art all around the world with the click of a button. Let them use the mouse to navigate through endless art collections.
Visit and support your local art museum. Many museums offer ½ price days so that you won’t break the budget on admission. Try a family membership that will let you access multiple museums throughout the year.